On the eve of the inauguration, Biden pays tribute to the victims of Covid and talks about ‘curing the country’ – 19/01/2021 – World

On the day the United States reached the grim 400,000 deaths from Covid-19, President-elect Joe Biden attended an event honoring the victims of the pandemic and said you have to face the pain of remembering it to begin. to heal the country. “It is important to do this as a nation and that is why we are here today.”

“To heal we have to remember. And sometimes it’s hard to remember. But this is how we heal,” Biden said in a very brief speech. He was accompanied by his wife Jill and grandchildren, as well as Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, who also spoke of the mourning caused by the health tragedy.

“Tonight we suffered and we started to heal together,” Kamala said.

Facing the lights placed along the reflective pool at Lincoln Memorial, one of Washington’s most iconic landmarks, Biden said it was necessary to “light up the darkness” and “remember all that we’ve lost”. The Democrat takes office Wednesday (20) as the 46th President of the United States after four years of a division government by Republican Donald Trump.

The vigil in honor of the victims of Covid-19 was marked by the lights and insignia of the churches of a besieged Washington. The city had stepped up security for Biden’s dedication ceremony after threats of further attacks and violent protests following the invasion of the Capitol on January 6.

Several American cities have also joined in the lighting in memory of the victims of the pandemic. In New York, the Empire State Building would light up red, symbolizing the heartbeat.

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