Neanderthals in the Middle Ages in an alternative fantasy book – Darwin and God

But I didn’t expect: Neanderthals in the Middle Ages (?!).

At least it says in the book summary by the American writer Matt Ward entitled “Neanderthal King” (“Neanderthal King”):

“The year is 1107 and the once mighty Neanderthal empire is now gone, destroyed by the dark Sapien king Isaac, the same bastard who massacred the young heirs of the Thal queen. A brutal setback of medieval power, bloodforged and fueled by juicy ingenuity.

But a baby escaped the mad king’s wrath.

Raised the son of a simple Thal shepherd, Maralek is a tough guy with the wild temperament and pride of his ruined people, a disdain for rules and rulers, and less than a little creativity in his fat head. In a word, the typical Neanderthal man. “

I found it particularly amusing how the author uses short versions of species names – “sap” for “sapiens” (or “sapien”, without a tip, the “s” is not a plural), “thal” for Neanderthals, that’s how it goes.

There is no way this business can be good, can it? But at least congratulations to the author for his courage.


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