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Cell phone, computer, television, tablet and much more. We look at the days, so rare are the moments in which we are not in front of a cloth, do not work, in the academy or in the year to free Spaniards, and much has been studied on how this digital behavior can affect the population both socially and psychologically. But did you know that this superexposure also damaged the eye?
“Hoje, people communicate by walking, climbing, not car … I would not. A new life concept, not what people we use visually for everything. We need to pay attention to com isso, because problems are unavoidable”, alerts ophthalmologist Alessia Braz, member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and clinical director of Univi.
Or that it happens that, as movements are likely to play a significant role, not ocular behavior, to simultaneous connectivity in multiple devices, as well as the constant use of them, ends up overloading you, leaving you more stressed and sensitive.
Another effect of this digital exposure that, many times, the users deixam to peck adequately, catching the natural lubrication of the sight. This ressecamento ends up promoting a sensation of areia, ardor, vermelhido, lacrimejamento and prurido, ailments that carry not from coar to regio do olho. At the time that the problems get worse, pois or friction can cause a deformation of the cornea, causing loss of focus and sharpness, increased visual fatigue and at the same level of gravity.
“Many people chegam ao consultrio complaining of feeling something strange in sight, muita coceira or feeling of areia no olho. Isso simply um olho more dry, effect that I see intensifying every day”, says Braz.
Gathering both immediate and subsequent effects, a super exposure of luminous fabrics can cause:
- Dor de cabea
- Lack of focus and sharpness in sight
- Stress
- Terol
- Increased chances of developing myopia
- Insnia, pois or crebro interprets the light emitted by cellular hair as it is added to estivesse during the day, catching or body to relax and sleep.
How to prevent these symptoms?
O novo visual behavior of society can generate various evils sade, mainly ocular. Fortunately, there are some habits that help you to relate more saudvel and amigvel as the effects of two technological devices:
- Drink a lot of water, you can help me hydrate myself from all parts of the body
- Avoid interacting with a non-dark cell phone, you can isso fora ainda mais a viso
- Do not use many technological devices at the same time
- Use in natural lighting during the day, using artificial light (s) somente noite, ideally
- Lembrar always to pick properly
- Avoid coar os olhos
- Protect os olhos da super light exposure you give fabrics
For the preservation of sight, a timeline of SmartLife lenses gives ZEISS , worldwide reference in Innovative solues for ethical lenses. This is because they are specially designed to attend to the behavior of two olhos in the digital era, which requires visual movements that are increasingly faster in times of frequent changes to posio da cabea, for example.
These special lenses contaminate with a unique technology, which helps to alleviate the effects of super exposure to electronic devices, offering a clear vision, comfort and quick adaptation. Another great differential to optimize two fields for part, for longevity and two intermediates, with a smoother distribution of the large lateral lenses of the lenses, guaranteeing a better view of the same movement.