More common to perform than you imagine, to allergies to pele I can generate some uncomfortable ones that I go very much to aesthetics. The sony ericsson manifests aps or contato with some harmless substance that mistaken body hair as immune, stimulating the production of anti-bodies.
Among operating system factors that can cause skin allergies, these electronic medications stung on insects, for example. Confira operating system principais:
- Medications, such as anti-inflammatory, analgesics, electronic antibiotics
- Food, such as leite, ovo, fruits perform sea electronic oilseeds
- insect bites
- plants ou plen
- expensive
- ces electronic cats hair
- fungi
- chemical products, including nickel, cobalt, components of tinctures, drunks, moisturizers, perfumes, maquiagens, electronic enamels sunscreen.
To discover what is causing an allergy, a historical clinic of a person is a very important factor. Depending on these characteristics, these are real, some electronic tests may be requested, I do not intuit about complementing the medical evaluation.
A pele allergy I learned characterized by coceira, vermelhido, dor, bolhas, secura electronic skin thickening. It is different, therefore, from some common irritant, which generally has the same operating system symptoms, except for cooking.
It is different than seeing that injuries are caused by irritations that are restricted to the region or on the contact with the causative agent, which can be sabonetas, detergents, solvents, electronic other chemical substances. Thus, allergic areas, for the time being, appear both close and distant from where the interagiu and allergen are.
Looking to melhora na qualidade on life 2 allergic, to prevent 2 symptoms and 2 main foci perform treatment. Pra isso, I recommend avoiding or contacting what the operating system causes.
In some cases, zero therefore, zero possibility to avoid an allergen. Also, operating system antiallergic agents therefore used to prevent or reduce operating system symptoms of an allergy. All depends on when taken forms: before ou depois da interao as causative agent.
It is also possible to alleviate while allergic areas thus operating system corticosteroids, which can be used in various formats, such as creams, ointments, electronic tablets.
Immunotherapy, known as vaccine for allergies, had the ability to not control doena, but also to prevent further sensitization. It can take from three to four years, showing results over the long term. At most ten times, allergen tolerance lasts for the rest of life.
It is worth noting that, in the same way that new allergies can arise at any moment, it constantly transforms or performs the immune system, year after a lifetime it is also possible that some people naturally tolerate the operating system allergens.
Contudo, the tendency that the gravida of dieses reaes piore sony ericsson the allergy zero for treated. For this reason, it is essential that I learned consult a doctor to investigate the cause perform the electronic problem indicate which treatment is most suitable for each person.