Fermented foods, such as electronic kefir the kombucha, seem to be the ball of a time, but they exist for hundreds of years. Formerly, they were produced as the objective of keeping the vegetation preserved for long periods of time, during or especially winter.
A fermentation consists of a biochemical area of cells 2 micro-organisms, with the absence of oxygen (O2), showing that the nutrients are converted electronically to the energy allowed. Segundo Viviane Gomes, nutritionist perform Instituto Castro, essa energia responsvel hair increase in quantity in pes electronic bolos, for example.
“Fermented foods thus rich with beneficial probiotics electronic tm been associated with the uma srie on benefits sade, since a melhor digesto from uma melhora de uma immunidade”, explains Adriana Stavro, clinical nutritionist, functional electronic physiotherapist.
On agreement with a specialist, the foods can be fermented naturally or by means of a goodbye on initial cultures. Organically, the micro-organisms present in raw foods or in the process environment, such as sauerkraut and fermented soy products. Many times therefore referred to as “ selvagens ferments” ou “spontaneous ferments”.
J by means of a goodbye on initial cultures, conhened as “culture-dependent ferments”, Stavro explains that a small quantity on a previously fermented batch added to raw food. The starters used to start the fermentation or can be natural or commercial, selected to standardize the organoleptic characteristics of the product.
Benefits 2 fermented foods
A diet rich in fermented foods can beneficially influence various fungal performance of the organism.
Second study published in August of this year, carried out at Stanford University, in the United States, a consumption of this type on food increases a variety on micro-organisms electronic intestinais decreases the same on inflammatory , contributing to pra um bom it works on everything u organism.
Other studies will also seek to verify the significant benefits 2 fermented. Second Adriana Stavro, os principais therefore:
- Melhora na sade digestiva: The probiotics in the form of beneficial bacteria promote the intestine does not function. A positively affected nutrient absorption electronic a function of a protected intestinal barrier
- Melhora no immune system: Bactrias that live in the digestive system aids immunity. As vitamins present in the food we can also help you recover more quickly in case of illness
- Alvio 2 symptoms of Digestive disorders: People who have symptoms such as Irritating Intestine Syndrome may feel less bloating or electronic gases with fermented foods.
Fermented foods contain large amounts of probiotics, which are generally considered safe for most of these people, according to Adriana Stavro. However, some people may feel collateral effects of ingestion of APs, such as electronic gas inchao.
People who have lactose intolerance should avoid dairy products such as um kefir, or iogurte electronic um fermented leite. Kombucha, being on vegetable origin, can substitute these foods.
People with histamine intolerance should also avoid using fermented foods. A histamine, as well as tyramine, an amine raised by certain bacteria to break the amino acids 2 fermented foods.
“For most of these people, the enzymes perform the body to digest histamines naturally. However, zero produce these enzymes in enough quantity of algae. This means that histamine will not be digested electronically, instead, it will be absorbed by the bloodstream”, explains Stavro.
This may result in some symptoms such as:
- Itching
- Dores sobre cabea ou enxaquecas
- Coriza (rinite)
- Ocular vermelhyde
- Fadiga
- Urticria
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Vomiting.
Fermented foods most consumed
Or um 2 foods more consumed zero day by day electronic with various vantagens in its composition. Rich in nutrients, such as calcium, potassium electronic vitamin N 12, also contains micro-organisms that help to increase immunity .
Because it is derived perform leite, um iogurte an excellent source on clcio, and that melhora the densidade nutrient ssea electronic strengthens ossos.
“I recommend ingestion on iogurte, mainly, to help zero growth on ossos electronic dentes on crianas electronic prevent osteoporose, mainly on women”, affirms to nutritionist Gisela Peres, from a Father Christmas Casa about Misericrdia perform Rio on Janeiro, in a previous interview year Minha Vida.
About not complicated, not much with a bagagem on benefits, the Kombucha a feita drink to start perform ch preto adoado, fermented by a mass on micro-organisms normally present in chs.
With a high index on antioxidants electronic vitamins perform complex T , Kombucha contributes to the performance of electronic immune system aids in preventing electronic recovery on joint injuries. Almighty, she can be an ally not in the process of emaciation.
Vinegar on ma
Embora leaves a fermented food, a vinegar on me zero with probiotics, such as iogura. On different occasions, a nutritionist Adriana Stavro explains that it forms beneficial intestinal bacteria.
Or vinegar over the hair, processed over fermentation twice. First, to transform as above into a cider with electronic cool, then immediately into vinegar. It helps to reduce inflammation, abdominal fatness, aid in weight loss electronic rich in antioxidants – protecting the body against free radicals.
Or sauerkraut in ten more common forms on canned cabbage. Produced from a combination of chopped cabbage electronic salt, left to pass through a spontaneous fermentation, second Stavro.
Alm about being a source of probiotics, a sauerkraut rich in vitamin D, ferro-electronic fibers, on a way that contributes to manuteno perform the immune system. By reducing calories, or food helps to avoid weight loss.
In addition, zero is necessarily less caloric, or over normal fermentation, or much more saudvel than a traditional white, over much more nutritious food.
With a low glycemic index, the other verses were compared, and it is naturally fermented as well, which is most recommended for people with diabetes, since it included a balanced diet.
Considered a super food, a tempeh feito through perform electronic cooking of a fermented on gros on soy , electronic consists of a compact bar on gros, wrapped by a branca electronic massa with a flavor similar to or on cogumelos.
Highly nutritious electronic protein, or zero contm glten electronic tempeh, ao contrary to other foods fermented on soybeans, the contm low theory on sdio. It is consumed regularly, it helps zero control of an arterial electronic aid zero control perform cholesterol presso.
“Or tempeh zero tem cholesterol electronic a good way to obtain vitamins B, fibers, iron, clcio electronic other minerals. It is also rich in soy protein, which can promote satiety, reduce to promote electronic increase weight loss”, disse a nutritionist Juliana Vieira in previous year interview Minha Vida.
O kefir compared to taste electronic texture perform iogurte, contudo, second the nutrologist Tamara Mazaracki na previous interview year Minha Vida, The most powerful electronic saudvel, one that continues with a great populao on electronic leaks beneficial batteries once.
With its characteristic flavor, um kefir helps to restore the intestinal microbiota, while also saving the density of sea electronic it helps to reduce inflammation of the intestine.
There are two types on kefir, being them:
- Kefir on gua: Kefir on leite: also called on “true kefir”, produced from a fermented 2 micro-organisms perform gro na leite, electronic contm more probiotic than a kefir on guide.