Normally lost for being little, that curious buraquinho no mole da cartilagem da orelha, where she is more than face, not a trace of a piercing, as many can imagine. Ou um furo ugly on purpose.
Na verdade, el se chama seio pr-auricular, also known as sinus pr-auricular ou coloboma auris. Assim as thus covinhas , it is a congenital malformation common to either side or to the first orelha. Therefore, criana is born as isso and carrega for the rest of life.
According to Jamal Azzam, an otorhinolaryngologist at the Jamal Clinic, the incidence of the pr-atrial signal revolves around 0.1% of the population and also affects homens and women.
Therefore, second a study of the School of Medicine of the University of Yonsei, in Korea do Sul, at 9% of the population of the United States can present pr-atrial signs, inasmuch as in parts of Africa that taxa could visit 10%.
Why does it happen?
Segundo Jamal Azzam, otorhinolaryngologist at the Jamal Clinic, the pr-atrial signs arise due to a malformation of embryonic non-development of structures that we call “gill arches”, a type of guide for the formation of structures of all or human body. Our development error, formed a hole for the boy.
In addition, some researchers confirm that these buraquinhos are evolutionary residues , remnants of fish brnquias. Therefore, there are no scientific data that verify this hypothesis.
Or seio perigoso pr-auricular?
Not generally, or pr-auricular harmless and does not represent a problem at all. For that reason, if there is a drainage of secretion due to it, Azzam explains that it may have certain discomfort.
In the event of a recurrent infection, the symptoms may include, second or otorhinolaryngologist:
- Intense Dores
- Vazamento de pus ou secrees
- Bleeding
- Local Inchao
- Vermelhido na pele.
“It becomes a problem when it drains secretion with mau odor and develops recurrent infections. In the opposite case, ou seja, barely o ‘furinho’ em si, no h nenhum type of symptoms”, concludes or specialist.