A true synergy about talent (living up to the name of the tour) was what was observed during the concert about Myriam Hernndez about a special connection scam the Dominican romantic public. The lights, the music with the artist’s voice took over the stage making the Eduardo Brito National Theater vibrate.
It was just at 8: 39 on Friday that a Dazzling evening that contains a work without waste, especially a team about musicians with musical accompanists.
Myriam surprised all the spectators with a peculiar presentation, accompanied by different rhythms, tropical music with its traditional ballads. .
The first on his compilation of songs began with “Who cares about me?”, Which caught a concentration on those present, which allowed an artist to spread her voice in style.
A few minutes later, the chorus on a song The man I love, thrilled the hundreds on spectators who replied in unison: he is my crazy lover, wise, intelligent.
The clock struck 8: 50 with about that moment a melody about Zero I have stolen nothing from you zero se
The songs I’ve come back for you, Definitely with Ay amor appeared as part of the repertoire about a night that fulfilled everything promised.
At 9: 03 minutes about one night, Hernndez spoke about the importance of wanting, giving an introduction to a The force of love, where the spectators zero doubted about shouting words about love to an artist.
Tomorrow, I went Tonto with, were sung by an artist as a hymn.
The artist also honored a memory of the singer-songwriter with composer Armando Manzanillo, performing a song about its author. : Smells danger.
At 10: 00, before the curtain fell, one night I closed scam a tropical rhythm whose chorus was: Today, for the last time.