“The victory of the Taliban against imperialism is the victory of all the oppressed people. Thus, the Partido da Causa Operária (PCO) celebrated, in Brazil, the seizure of power by the fundamentalist group in Afghanistan.
“In retreating, US imperialism reveals the crisis it finds itself in. Without a shadow of a doubt, the advance of the Taliban represents a huge victory over the worst enemies of the oppressed across the planet. imperialist occupations! ” the acronym on Twitter.
Heavily criticized even by the progressive camp for these and other positions – such as the defense of former MP Roberto Jefferson, jailed in connection with the investigation of an alleged digital criminal organization aimed at attacking institutions to undermine democracy – , the far-left party has defended itself against accusations that it supports a group that oppresses women, gays and other Afghan citizens.
“Direita e extrema-direita (são irmãos) vieram aqui defender as mulheres e os gays … do Afeganistão depois de colocarem Bolsonaro no Governoro no Brasil. E trouxeram uns piolhos esquerdistas. Meu Twitter está infestado de parasitas …”, escreveu PCO President Rui Costa Pimenta.
Despite his criticism of the Taliban, journalist Breno Altman, founder of the site Opera Mundi, also celebrated the group’s victory in Afghanistan as a defeat for the United States.
“Any defeat of US imperialism is welcome, because it weakens it globally. Even when the victors are a reactionary faction like the Taliban. Afghanistan, ”he wrote.