CIA chief visits Brasilia and meets with Bolsonaro government – 07/01/2021 – world

William J. Burns, director of the CIA, the American intelligence agency, makes an official visit this Thursday (1) to Brasilia, where he meets government officials Jair Bolsonaro (non-party).

Burns is a career diplomat and was chosen to lead the American body by President Joe Biden.

The agendas of ministers Luiz Eduardo Ramos (Casa Civil) and Augusto Heleno (Institutional security) inform that there will be a dinner with the director this Thursday evening, in an undisclosed location.

The convoy with Burns and the American Ambassador to the country, Todd Chapman, arrived at the Palácio do Planalto in the middle of the afternoon. There is no information on Bolsonaro’s agenda regarding a meeting with the US official.

The CIA commander’s visit was kept confidential and was not notified in advance.

Wanted, the American Embassy did not respond. Burns spent more than three decades in the U.S. diplomatic corps and went on to go to number two in the State Department. He helped maintain secret negotiations with Iran that paved the way for the 2015 nuclear deal.

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