The United States wakes up to the siege of freedom of expression in India – 02/02/2021 – Nelson de Sá

It took a tweet from singer Rihanna, with footage of the Indian farmers protest in New Delhi, asking, “Why aren’t we talking about this?”

The New York Times, Atlantic and others spoke the next day, focusing less on farmers and more on the “fear” that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would adopt an undemocratic “standard” – which includes “stifling voices” opposites, block the Internet and repress journalists ”. .

Highlights the case of the American platform Twitter, which suspended the accounts of dozens of journalists on Modi’s orders and, under criticism, ended up backing down.

The NYT media columnist drew attention to the “incredibly important” fact that the Indian government is now threatening to arrest platform employees for seven years if they do not suspend their accounts.

Twitter could “follow TikTok’s path”, that is, be banned from India.


According to Deutsche Welle, a German state-owned company, the President of Ukraine has “banned three opposition television channels”.

And, according to Qatari state-owned company Al Jazeera, the UK government, which had previously taken over Iranian state-owned company PressTV, has now abolished Chinese state-owned CGTN. “Soon after,” the Chinese government threatened the state BBC.


During the launch of his foreign policy this Thursday (4), according to the Wall Street Journal, the American president cited as allies “Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, South Korea and Australia”, but neither India or Brazil.

It is by announcing that he intends to “rebuild the strength of the democratic alliances which have withered during the last years of neglect and abuse” of Trump.


The South China Morning Post pointed out, from Biden’s speech, that it “called China the ‘most serious competitor’ of the United States.” In addition, he pledged to “face directly the challenges posed” by Beijing to “our prosperity, security and democratic values.”

Previously, the SCMP reported that the US State Department, in response to Taiwan, said it maintained a single Chinese policy.


Atlantic made headlines for Biden’s “America First Vaccine Strategy” (above), claiming it “overturned many of Trump’s isolationist policies,” but even increased the primacy over vaccines promulgated in December.

“Far from supporting a more equitable distribution in the world, the United States under Biden continues to undermine it,” he criticized.

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