And here came a little big book as you can see in the photo above. The Federal University of Acre’s paleontologist Alceu Ranzi is one of the main people responsible for bringing the treasure of geoglyphs to the surface: mysterious large geometric designs in the Amazonian soil, most of which are in the area of Acre.
Everything indicates that geoglyphs demarcate ancient ritual areas of pre-Columbian populations in the Amazon, which is another indication of the social complexity of the pre-Cabral region. The book contains beautiful pictures (in black and white which, in my opinion, paradoxically highlight the strength of the drawings) and a brief history of the discoveries.
It is very important to draw attention to this wealth, which is also linked to a dense network of pre-cabraline roads, as the sites are occasionally threatened by the progress of agriculture in the area.
Here at Folha, I have had the pleasure of writing about geoglyphs several times. Here are some recent reports on the subject of my authorship:
Acre had a dense network of roads between the villages before the Europeans came
Geoglyphs from the prehistoric Amazon were ground for corn plantations and pastures
The secret of geometric designs from the Amazon is being deciphered
Congratulations to Professor Alceu for decades of wonderful work!
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