SASSA, the South African Social Security Agency, is an organization responsible for administering social grants in South Africa. Sassa offered a variety of convenient ways to make payments, including money transfers through major banks and personal bank accounts. Exact banking data is essential to SASSA in order to facilitate the seamless distribution of payments to eligible recipients. To guarantee that grant payments are received on time, one of the main reasons is that accurate banking information is necessary.
In this article, we provide you with a complete guide to updating your SASSA Banking Details.
SRD Banking Details Change
You will need to supply your personal details, banking account details, and contact information while filling out your grant application. By accessing the Sassa SRD website, approved beneficiaries can at any moment, amend or change their bank information. To get your payments from SASSA, the bank account you choose needs to match your personal details.
SRD Banking Details Change Overview
Title | SRD Banking Details Change |
Country | South Africa |
Changing Process | Online through the SASSA website |
SRD Amount | R350 |
SASSA SRD Portal | |

How To Change Bank Details With SASSA?
Online Through Website
Here are the general steps-
- Visit the SASSA SRD web portal at
- Choose the relevant section based on your status (South African ID Holder, Asylum Seeker, or Special Permit Holder).
- Under the “How do I change my banking details” section, Enter your South African ID number, receive and enter an OTP, and submit new bank details.
- Choose your bank name, account number, branch code, and account type, and agree to the terms and conditions.
- Opt for a Cash Send payment option through various retailers.
- SASSA verifies the new payment method for future payments after submission.
- Based on verification results, applications are either approved or declined with detailed reasons provided.
Offline Through Website
- Collecting Required Documents includes a valid ID and new bank account details.
- Personally, visit a SASSA office to submit the change request.
- SASSA will verify the information and process the change.
Make sure that you are the owner of the bank account if you select for the payment to go into a bank account. Make sure that the cellphone number on which you received the SMS is registered in your name if you select the money transfer option via one of the major banks. New banking details will only be used for future payments after verification has been processed.
Read Also – SASSA Status Check For R350 Payment Dates