Jayden Pienta Was Fatally Stabbed At Santa Rosa’s Montgomery High School

Jayden Pienta, A 16-year-old junior in high school called was brutally stabbed at Montgomery High School in Santa Rosa on March 1, 2023. Authorities claim the fact that a physical altercation between a freshman pupil and two juniors occurred. Around 11:11 a.m. on Wednesday, reports of the fight were received by law authorities. The physical altercation became so violent that Jayden Pienta, 16, was stabbed and died as a consequence, and the other junior was hurt.

Jayden Pienta
Jayden Pienta; image credit – Yahoo News

The Suspect Who Stabbed Jayden Pienta

A 15-year-old male freshman kid who reportedly fled the scene has been named as the suspect; his identity has not been made public. He was subsequently apprehended after being discovered cowering in a creek bed. Law enforcement authorities claim that Jayden Pienta as well as another junior approached the freshman.

Jayden Pienta Died

Jayden Pienta and another 16-year-old junior entered an art class and questioned a 15-year-old freshman about something. The argument between the three quickly descended into violence when the freshman brandished a knife and attacked the juniors. The other junior received a stabbing to the left hand, while Pienta received three stab wounds to the upper torso.

The wounded juniors were conscious when police and paramedics came, it was revealed at a news conference that day later in the afternoon. As soon as possible, they were taken to the hospital, where Jayden Pienta passed away from his wounds.

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