Auxiliary Bishop David O’Connell, 69, who was characterised as a “peacemaker,” was found dead from gunshot wounds in his residence on Saturday, prompting police to open a murder inquiry, according to officials.
How Was He Murdered?
Police have opened a murder inquiry after a long-serving Catholic bishop who was known as a “peacemaker” was fatally shot on Saturday at a Los Angeles residence, according to officials.
In his 45 years of service to the church, Auxiliary Bishop David O’Connell served as a priest before becoming a bishop, according to a statement from Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez.
Investigators from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department reported that at 12:57 PM, a medical emergency call came in. Deputies were called to a home in the unincorporated Hacienda Heights community on Sunday. There, they discovered 69-year-old O’Connell unconscious and bleeding from an upper torso gunshot wound. Officials reported that he was pronounced deceased at the spot.
How long O’Connell had been deceased before sheriff’s deputies showed up at the house is unknown.
Investigators were trying to identify the person who killed O’Connell by piecemealing the events leading up to the crime on Sunday.
The sanctity and dignity of every human life should be honoured and protected, Gomez said. “He was a peacemaker with a heart for the poor and the immigrant.

Parishioners visited the scene of the crime and offered prayers in front of the house after learning of O’Connell’s passing.
Parishioner Johnny Flores told ABC Los Angeles affiliate KABC, “That broke me and I was frightened to tell my wife since my wife loved him so much.”
According to Perez of KABC, “He was not the sort that would have confrontations with anybody.” “He had a kind of healing gift and was very caring. Attending his rituals was like receiving a healing gift.”
About David
In 2015, Pope Francis appointed O’Connell, an Irishman by birth, as an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
O’Connell attended All Hallows College in Ireland to prepare for the priesthood, and he was ordained in 1979 to work in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Following his ordination, he worked in numerous Los Angeles parishes as a pastor and associate pastor.
1. Who was David O’Connell ?
A. He was a popular peacemaker
2. What was his profession?
A. Bishop
3. How old was David O’Connell ?
A. 69 years old
4. What happened to David O’Connell?
A. He died