“I have a sexual relationship with risco essa noite, I want to see or examine to know if I am with someone else”. “My partner has a genital ulcer with a diagnosis of syphilis, I want to take an exam to know if it is also necessary to treat.” “Ontem, let’s go to a party in anger, no mask, I want to face or examine to know if COVID is hit”.
It would be very nice if we had quick answers and accurate exams for all these situations. But that’s not what happens. All simply because infeces require the time to install the organism and generate areas that remain perceptive for six years.
When a sufficient quantity of HIV virus is acquired in a cliff sexual relationship, for example, the leucites (white blood cells) will be captured or removed and attempted to be eliminated by producing antibodies. These anti-bodies are therefore not effective in destroying or ending up as infectious, but they serve to be detected by specific examinations and / or diagnosis.
Enter sexual intercourse on the day that the test becomes positive, it may take from 2 to 12 weeks. Isso depends on performing a type of examination and also gives the ability to perform individuals in producing these anti-corporations. This is a period that is called by immune janela .
Isso bem different on transmissibilidade . A person may be able to test negative, but not enough to pass on to other people. This type of information is especially important for sangue banks . Therefore, in order to be a doer, it is necessary to report any behavior of the risk, to guarantee that the recipient is safe for me.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (IST) which is a large immunological janela. Or specific test, called FTA-Abs , it can take up to 3 months to become positive. Therefore, it is important that the doctor treats cases of primary syphilis (hard canker) as a negative test, and that he also treats sexual partners, perform patient, perform result, perform independent test.
This means that if your partner was diagnosed with syphilis, it also needs to be treated immediately. Both do not perform HIV or other ISTs, or perfect do not export and practice always or safe sex . But, if it happens, consult a doctor to find out about these prevention measures, and do not have and perform any time before taking the exams.
J for the COVID – 19 , the positive sorological tests second week on doena , ou seja, na uma janela immunologica on 7 the 14 days. Pra deteco precoce e isolaciones dieses pessoas, esses testes seriam ruins, por isso, uses another type of test, such as o PCR – that is collected by swab na nasopharynx (test perform cotton swab), which directly identifies or vrus and can be positive zero first day on doena j.
Therefore, never demais reforar: the preveno o melhor caminho when it comes to all or any infectious. Taking due care to protect your health against harmful microorganisms must be a constant habit, in order to preserve people and all of them.