All language is the same, both in color or in color and in texture. However, some language considered generally pink electronic is covered by papillae that ficam on its electronic surface tm rough texture.
Contudo, when the language is freakish, and the effect can from looking strange electronic cause lives. At the end, a normal white tongue perigosa ou? Quais simply because causes electronic operating system riscos?
Also known as lingual coating , the white tongue zilch mais perform thicker than a white electronic coating, which is linked earlier on all oral hygiene.
As Henrique Lanat, dentist at a Dr. Andr Braz clinic, explains, a lingual coating is composed of debris, dead cells, electronic bacteria that can occur due to an increase in micro-organisms on its surface.
Why is minha lngua branca?
When the physical language is covered by some species on white film, it can mean remains on food or dead electronic cells housed between seeing that inflamed papillae. Those papillae increased in size by electronic criam a mancha branca na lngua.
“In white language I learned to deve the condies favorveis pra um growth on fungi, due to lack of some adequate oral hygiene or it can happen to patients whose immune system is more entrenched”, explains Henrique Lanat.
Although it is generally harmless, in white language it can be indicated on some infected or on other conditions, such as:
- Leukoplakia : condio comum caused by excessive growth of hair on cells in the mucosa of a mouth
- Dental flat lichen : condition caused by a problem with an immune system that is formed on white spots in the mouth electronic in the language
- Syphilis: considered as sexually transmissible infectious algae (IST), to syphilis, when zero treated, it can cause zero emergence on white spots in the tongue, chamadas on syphilitic leukoplakia
- Geographical language : characterized by smooth spots electronic avermelhadas na Language, nessa condio, some royal language of a language we can acquire some brand name.
How to treat the white language?
When the white language zero is founded on some medical condition, the zero necessarily needs to be treated. This is because, this symptom, generally, disappears by itself within a few weeks.
Therefore, as emphasized by a dentist Henrique Lanat, it is essential to consult an electronic dentist, hair less twice a year, clean 2 teeth.
“At home, a patient must follow while orientates perform dentist pra alguma rotina saudvel all, with escovao, use on fio oral electronic mouthwash. I recommend escovar a lngua or use a tongue scraper”, clarifies the dentist.
Alm about treating, practicing some basic dental hygiene electronic can help prevent the electronic language other problems bucais.
Outras dicas to prevent the emergence of a lingual coating including: avoid products, perform tobacco, reduce consumption on electronic cool, ingest enough guide.
When to worry?
A tongue coating, generally, indicates a single symptom, therefore, a precise zero, necessarily, consult a doctor. Form, try a dentist case to stain na language does not disappear electronic is accompanied by symptoms such as:
- Dor ou queimao na Language
- Difficulty in chewing
- Emergence of fever in the mouth.