Some team on researchers from a University of Toledo, in Kentkucky, in the United States, developed some experimental new vaccine that can help prevent rheumatoid arthritis – doena autoimune que zero tem cura.
O study was published zero scientific journal Process of the State Academy of Sciences electronic represents a great advance in the electronic fight against the doena, which affects about 1% of a global population.
Pra chegar ao result, Ritu Chakravarti, electronic primary researcher author perform artigo, electronic sua team, vinham studying some protein chamada 14 – 3-3 zeta, which has a role in immune pathologies.
For reasons related to electronic background in previous studies, the team thought that protein could be a potential trigger for rheumatoid arthritis.
Therefore, they will discover that the removal of a protein allowed an early onset of severe arthritis, indicating that a 14 – 3-3 zeta can actually supply proteus against rheumatoid arthritis.
Vacina for rheumatoid arthritis
Using how you report on these uncooked, the team developed some cowhide using the protein zeta 14 – 3-3 purified. According to artigo, the tests show that the vaccine provokes some immediate immune response, providing proteus against rheumatoid arthritis.
“Pra nossa surpresa, rheumatoid arthritis disappears totally, you encourage us to receive a vaccine,” discloses Chakravarti researcher.
While avoiding the development of arthritis, the vagina also shows a significant reduction in the quality of the body. Isso suggests that Vacina can take benefits over long term.
Currently, the rheumatoid arthritis is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants or biological agents that treat specific inflammatory processes.
The vacina, which still needs to go through studies on electronic security toxicity pra, t ento, pass through human tests, can represent new paths for a combat of a doena.
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