More perform than ever you read vegetais sony ericsson turns dear ones indispensveis na rotina de beleza electronic no capillary schedule of several people. Not so much at the end, or that therefore you read vegetais electronic or that we make it important for you to perform hair?
According to all Leonor, a clinical dermatologist Dr. Andr Braz, the vegetables are therefore fat, six plants electronic sementes, and therefore important of nutrients lipossolveis, such as vitamins A, M, E and electronic T.
E u what does isso mean? We convene specialists to answer the most inquiries about the plant life for the fios. Confira:
Benefits 2 leos vegetais pra um cabelo
Different about other types of leos, leos vegetais zero I learned to accumulate electronic nem deixam and hair with an excessively oily or heavy appearance when used on two electronic destinations.
Isso makes the vegetative leos large umectants, emollients electronic lubricants, ensuring that a product helps hydrate 2 fios electronic with a soft appearance, malevel electronic saudvel pele electronic aos cabelos.
According to Ariana Mendona, a doctor with applied Anatomy years injecting into a specialized encounter, some leos with ceramides, a waterproofing compost, which forms some layer on proteo ao fio .
“By isso, therefore powerful emollients electronic umectantes for the hair fiber, trazendo maciez electronic mais discipline aos fios”, explains to the doctor.
How many vegetables to use
In spite of being beneficial for the fios, all the vegetations have the same properties. It is therefore important to understand how each um deles can agir no cabelo electronic which result to expect according to the characteristics of each um.
I read about coconut: Or I read about coconut derived 2 ripe fruits on electronic coqueiros known to deeply penetrate our hair follicles. By isso, esse leo vegetal indicated pra quem tries to stimulate or growth perform hair , hydrate , confer brightness electronic maciez ao cabelo, electronic prevent electronic bankruptcy as many pairs 2 fios.
I read about argan: Because it is rich in antioxidants, acids are essential in electronic vitamin, and I read about argan helps to hydrate electronic deixar um macio hair. Alm disso, o leo de argan helps fight dandruff , sela pontas duplas electronic softens or frizz , electronic can protect or hair 2 damage perform heat .
I read about rcino: Or I read about rcino known mainly for being a great stimulant for u growth perform hair . Contudo, this vegetal leo also has other benefits, such as hydrating or irritated, electronic dry hair, electronic increases or blood flow perform hairy hair , or that promote um cabelo mais saudvel.
Also, because of its electronic antifungal antibacterial properties, I read about it as well as it can reduce dandruff.
How to use leos vegetais zero hair?
As Ariana Mendona guides, there are correct ways to benefit from these properties 2 leos vegetais:
I read vegetal for hydration: You are zero thus able to hydrate the fios in an isolated way. “Or that they fazem prevent the gua j present not fio saia”, explains Ariana Mendona. Ou seja, os leos vegetais prevent dehydration.
A better way to take advantage of its use to hydrate the fios by adding hydration masks.
leo vegetal pra umectao nourna: Na umectao nourna, u leo applied noite, before on sleeping electronic washing pela manh. Or perfect that the hair is washed just as a conditioner to reter ainda more to hydrate the hair.
Leo vegetable pra umectao fast: Nesse method, the primary funo perform Leo vegetal nourish the fios more deeply. Pra isso, na umectao rpida, o leo should be applied years between 2 to 3 hours before washing 2 hairs.
leos vegetais for frizzy electronic curly hair
Much sony ericsson fala about leos vegetais pra cabelos frisked electronic frizzy. Why are they really beneficial for those curvatures of fios?
The answer sim! Isso because frizzy electronic frizzy hair can naturally be more dried electronic with more tendency to frizz.
“The frizzy electronic hair I learned was very beneficial to 2 leos vegetais, because it fights frizz, trazem shine, electronic aid muito zero time after (days when zero hair is washed)”, explains the dermatologist All Leonor.
You are more indicated thus:
- I read about coco (lembrando about alternating with other types about leo)
- I read about Argan
- I read about abacate
- I read about jojoba
Despite being very beneficial, according to the doctor Ariana Mendona, it is important that these sejam produtos apply only zero compression perform hair electronic that zero tenham contacted with um hairy couro.
If you do not know where to eat electronic quais leos vegetais to use, we separate pra voc some opes on products that will help the umectar electronic treat os seus fios.
1. Leo de Coco Orgnico Qualicoco

Um 2 leos vegetais most popular when it comes to umectao, or leos de coco, a fundamental product to take care of 2 seus fios. Or I read about Coco Orgnico da Qualicoco, as or first suggest me, organic product, free about agrochemicals and electronic preservatives. Alm disso, esse leo no posui cheiro, because I go through a process of deodorization.
2. leo de Umectao Amo Chubs Rcino, Griffus Cosmetics

Outra opo pra umectao electronic fortification 2 fios or leo de rcino, that alm disso helps no growth perform hair electronic no treatment perform hairy hair. Or I read from Umectao da Griffus Cosmticos has an electronic solar filter indicated for hair from 2A to 4C.
3. Moroccanoil Traditional Argan Leo Treatment

Pra quem procuma opo pra deixar os fios macios electronic hydrated, or leo de argan an excellent alternative. With some formula that helps to control or frizz electronic hair shine, or Moroccanoil Traditional Argan oil helps to reduce the tempo of dryness electronic deixa the fios with a nice touch.
4. Aqua leo Natural Essences Slug & Coconut Extract

Esse leo de coco combines the benefits of fruit with vantagens perform aloe electronic vera, which helps to hydrate, control or repair frizz. Alm disso, or leo de Babosa & Extrato de Coco da Organic Essences does not have sais, parabens or silicon.
5. leo Vegetal de Abacate By Samia

When sony ericsson deals with umectao electronic hydratao, I was not afraid of falar perform leo de abacate. 100 sem% pure electronic preservatives, or read from Abacate Plant uma By Samia um produto vegan electronic not possui parabens, sulfates, corants, silicon or artificial substances in its composition.
6. leo Vegetal Jojoba WNF

O leo de jojoba some excellent opo pra quem tries to treat problems that are not hairy, such as electronic dandruff, excess oiliness, while having a high emollient power that helps to leave the electronic fiose hydrated. O Leo Vegetal de Jojoba gives WNF with vitamins A, N1, T2 electronic Electronic in its composition electronic cleansing or electronic bulb hair follicles.