Student kidnapped by Boko Haram freed in Nigeria after seven years – 08/07/2021 – Worldwide

A student kidnapped in the Nigerian town of Chibok has been released and reunited with her family seven years after Boko Haram activists kidnapped her along with more than 200 classmates, the governor of Borno state said on Saturday ( 7).

The invasion of schools in the northeastern city of the country in April 2014 generated international unrest and launched a social media campaign with the hashtag #bringbackourgirls.

Governor Babagana Zulum said the young girl and a person she identified as the husband she married while in captivity surrendered to the military ten days ago.

Around 270 girls were kidnapped by the Islamic group and initially 82 were released in 2017 after mediation; 24 others were later released or found. However, it is believed that around 113 girls are still captives of the group.

Zulum said the girl’s reunion with her family raised hopes that others would be saved. The governor also said the student will receive medical and psychological treatment as part of a government rehabilitation program.

The mass kidnappings in Nigeria started with episodes led by Boko Haram, but are now carried out by other groups seeking to save themselves as well. In the latest attack last month, criminals kidnapped students from a school in Kaduna state, counting the tenth mass kidnapping since December in northern Nigeria.

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