Brazil does not produce antibodies against Bolsonaro and Pazuello viruses – 02/27/2021 – Marcelo Leite

After 367 days of the Covid epidemic, Brazil borders on 255,000 confirmed deaths from Sars-CoV-2, barring any underreporting. On Thursday (25) the country broke a record seven months ago and registered 1,582 victims – those diagnosed repeat themselves.

The moving average reached 1,150 deaths per day. We have reached the worst stage of the pandemic and two disasters are on the horizon: the situation will get much worse; We continue to prefer fake battles and we are on the right track to lose the war.

There are people who regret the war metaphor, perhaps because the government has been attacked by the military and some of them today are seeing examples of incompetence, faint-heartedness, and depravity. The captain who became president is the MP who praised torture, shooting and rape with impunity – he gave up on what happened.

The feeling of empathy and community that drives citizens in the same direction as in conflict is sorely lacking. In current hand-to-hand combat, the only worthy goal is to save the lives that can be saved. By giving up masks and detachments, relying on unpaid vaccines, and choosing wrong targets, we multiply preventable deaths.

As if there was no carnage going on, we lost precious days mesmerized by a television show where exhibitionism and voyeurism mix in the experience of vicarious passions. A disqualified Federal MP hijacked the agenda of the Supreme Court (STF) and Congress before he was elected.

The new legislature, who has elected a president in the Chamber on charges of domestic violence, is mobilizing against the STF to enshrine the parliamentary right to impunity in the constitution. At that point, he should run over the Planalto again and vote to extend the emergency aid to protect the Brazilians suffering from the worst of the pandemic.

Neither fair nor superior, the Supreme Court (STJ) is downgrading itself by contradicting previous rulings in an attempt to in practice acquit the senator’s son, the President of the Republic, who has received a rift. Responsible for the maneuver is the judge, who only has eyes for the sinecura of a post in the STF while thousands are suffocating across the country.

On Tuesday (23) a group called Doctors for Life published an advertisement in Folha and other newspapers defending the “early treatment” of Covid with the chloroquine, ivermectin, zinc and vitamin D package. (Doctors, they are not scientists, it has been said; worse if they are Bolsonarists praying for the well-known creed to drive science out.)

It was enough for innumerable progressive, sane, and even-tempered people (including friends and sources) to attack these diaries with virulence. It goes without saying that some believe it is the moral obligation of newspapers to turn down a negative announcement, but there are also those who claim it is a reasonable business decision.

The aim is wrong. It is scandalous to see doctors defend the untenable. The Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), dominated by the acolytes of Jair Bolsonaro, fails to commit misconduct similar to that of Congress by turning a blind eye to recurring crimes by family politicians, past and present.

Governors and mayors also shy away from the epidemic. But they can at least offer the excuse for fighting two genocidal viruses at the same time, one in the hospitals and the other in the palace.

The worst comes through the dirty hands of Captain Jair Bolsonaro and General Eduardo Pazuello. Let us better vote against those who stand up at this hour.

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